Tetradian helps organisations explore the wider context of an enterprise to manage uncertainty and effectiveness.

Beyond Enterprise Architecture
Tetradian offers consultancy/workshops, books and overview diagrams to help your organisation face uncertainty and change by effectively understanding the context of the enterprise, your organisation is part of.
We work in the outer strategic level, looking at the wider context.
As you move forward, specific details become more important, as particular solutions are chosen. Tetradian asks the questions, before you get to that stage. Often a simple question can reshape an entire enterprise.

Asking the right questions, to find the right answers.
Sometimes asking questions which seem ‘obvious’ can have huge implications. One client complained that their customers didn’t know how to use their product properly.
They wanted to invest in larger call-centres to tackle the increasing complaints. But when we asked why the customers were misusing the product, the client realised that what was obvious to them, was not obvious the others with different experience and skills.
We suggested instead a more effective approach of info-videos explaining how to use the product, reducing costs and improving the organisation’s brand.
What is the difference between enterprise architecture and whole enterprise architecture?
The term ‘Enterprise architecture’ originally included the whole context of an enterprise, but has come to mean only the IT inside an enterprise. To save confusion, ‘Whole enterprise architecture’ is used to explore the whole context of an enterprise, including IT.
How can we remove uncertainty?
Removing all uncertainty is impossible. Tetradian offers tools and guidance which help manage uncertainty inside an enterprise and make your organisation more adaptable. By being more adaptable, your organisation will be able to quickly and effectively respond to unplanned change.
Is our organisation and enterprise the same thing?
At Tetradian we view an organisation as part of an enterprise. But that enterprise has many stakeholders and elements which make up the enterprise, such as suppliers, customers, government, the weather and more. The organisation is only one part of that enterprise, and needs to connect with the other parts to be effective. Tetradian offers tools and guidance which help your organisation map out the enterprise your organisation is part of.
Is efficiency just the same as effectiveness?
Efficiency is often seen as the key to an organisations’ success. Reducing staff and cutting ‘unnecessary’ costs. But these short term costs act a little like removing parts from a bridge, eventually the bridge will fail. Effectiveness combines at least five parts, including efficiency to make change which is sustainable and benefits all stakeholders. Tetradian offers tools and guidance that helps your organisation become more effective.